List of candidates eligible to take part to the thorough medical check-up for the US Military Academies Entrance Exam, 2023

List of candidates eligible to take part to the thorough medical check-up for the US Military Academies Entrance Exam, 2023


THE MINISTER DELEGATE AT THE PRESIDENCY IN CHARGE OF DEFENCE HEREBY INFORMS : The following young people, candidates for the US Military Academies Entrance Exam, 2023, are eligible to take part to the thorough medical check-up for the said competitive examination, which will be held at the Ministry of Defence.

Candidates concerned should report to the Human Resources Department on Monday 06 November, 2023, at 7 a.m. prompt, on an empty stomach with their identity documents and a sum 25 000 (twenty five thousand) CFAF, representing the fees for thorough medical check-up at the Department of Militarytteuth
